Welcome to Hakeem Network!

  I am an expert in International Health Policy, specializing in health system strengthening, and an American board-certified doctor in vascular disease.

   With over 15 years of clinical and research experience across the Middle East and the United States, I offer consultancy services to advance healthcare solutions that make a global difference.

M. Ihsan Kaadan, MD, MS, RPVI

Our Clients

Government Agencies
Trainees (Residents & Fellows)
Doctors (Specialists & Consultants)
Students & Graduate
Healthcare Organizations & Companies


Government Agencies

We help governments design and implement effective health policies, optimize healthcare delivery systems, and develop strategies for improving public health outcomes.

A large building with a clock on the top of it
A large building with a clock on the top of it


Healthcare Organizations & Companies

We help with health system strengthening, strategic planning, and innovative solutions to enhance healthcare delivery and patient outcomes


Doctors (Specialists & Consultants)

We help you with ideas to advance your skills to meet your patients' need


Trainees (Residents & Fellows)

We help you navigate your career aspirations to reach your potential and become a successful doctor


Students & Graduates

We help you navigate your career options

Selected Videos


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